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Sacredness is the purification that heals wounds and refines the mind. Sacredness raises the kundalini and activates the power of excellence. Sacredness evolves the human experience to the perspective of the soul. Sacredness births consciousness, the fullness of the creative mind/expression. Sacredness soothes the grieving soul, teaching spiritual integrity. Sacredness honors the physical realm while cultivating spiritual DNA. Sacredness is the mantra recitation of shakti lineage that unites human and GOD. Sacredness revives the beloved frequency of the heart, restoring compassion. Sacredness energizes will, activating the multidimensional shaman. Sacredness retrievals the chameleon spirit of incarnational akashic strength. Sacredness is equilibrium, evolutionary necessity that touches the Earth star and SOUL STAR. Sacredness ascends and descends, greeting angels and ancestors. Sacredness transmutes dense energies and stabilizes emotional maturity. Sacredne

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